Pretty good presentation. your list of automation tools seems a bit limited however
You could add
rspec (tdd / bdd unit test framework for ruby
cucumber bdd 'story runner' (takes scripts in the form of plain language examples such as:
Given I am at the login screen And I have provided valid username and password When I click the Login button Then I am taken to the page with title Home Page And I see my name in the page header
That is believe it not a runnable 'test script' in Cucumber.. you need to code 'steps' to associate with those lines, but the steps can be reused and it is executing the steps according to the story I just gave, change the story and what happens changes..
Watir: great easy to use web browser automation. written in ruby which is a very easy language to testers to pick up, and since it's driving the browser, doesn't matter if the back end is, java, rails, or anything else.
VSTS (Test edition) great protocol level webtest and loadtest tool
I don't have much insight in to model based testing. However, one things which comes straight to mind is Model based tesing can be practiced and succeded independently, unlike Agile testing which needs higher collabration with other stake holder on the project.
Hello, The Article on Agile Testing a basic guide is nice, gives detailed information about it. Thanks for Sharing the information about the basic Guide of Agile Testing For More information check the detail on the Agile testing here Software Testing Company
Hi Pankaj,
Thanks for the nice presentation, it really helps us as how to use Agile Testing at different phases of Development life cycle.
I appreciate your effort. Keep it up!
- Hiten Dhruv
Pretty good presentation. your list of automation tools seems a bit limited however
You could add
rspec (tdd / bdd unit test framework for ruby
cucumber bdd 'story runner' (takes scripts in the form of plain language examples such as:
Given I am at the login screen
And I have provided valid username and password
When I click the Login button
Then I am taken to the page with title Home Page
And I see my name in the page header
That is believe it not a runnable 'test script' in Cucumber.. you need to code 'steps' to associate with those lines, but the steps can be reused and it is executing the steps according to the story I just gave, change the story and what happens changes..
Watir: great easy to use web browser automation. written in ruby which is a very easy language to testers to pick up, and since it's driving the browser, doesn't matter if the back end is, java, rails, or anything else.
VSTS (Test edition) great protocol level webtest and loadtest tool
Thanks for the comment. I have seen the cucumber, and it looks really good.
How do you think model-based automated test design can help agile testers.
I don't have much insight in to model based testing. However, one things which comes straight to mind is Model based tesing can be practiced and succeded independently, unlike Agile testing which needs higher collabration with other stake holder on the project.
Correct me if I an wrong?
Great blog. I must agree that you have made a very informative blog. I love to read your post on testing topic.
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The Article on Agile Testing a basic guide is nice, gives detailed information about it. Thanks for Sharing the information about the basic Guide of Agile Testing For More information check the detail on the Agile testing here Software Testing Company