Twist can now talk to Proxies

May be little early to post as official build is not GA yet.

But I got to test the latest build, and now Twist can work on external proxies. :)

However, there are few changes needs to be mad eto twist.propeerties file and applicationContext-suite.xml.

1) Changes to
  • selenium.server.options = -port 4545 -avoidProxy
(Default behavior is, twist works on proxy injection mode. Change that to have above code)
  • selenium.browserLauncher=*firefox
(Default behavior of Twist is to record on Firefox on *pifirefox mode), change that to have *firefox.
  • selenium.browserURL=
(Default setting are localhost:4545, however in order to work with proxies enter your application URL here, since twist would not record if you try to change the domain from URL X to URL Y while recording)

Though I personally beleive user should not worrry about setting the URL at settings level, as this is contextual thing and I have to switch this setting everytime I need to record on a new application. (Little bit of Pain).

However, I am happy to take this pain in lieu of having Twist working with proxies at the moment.

How to set the Proxy settings ?

2) Changes to applicationContext-suite.xml.

Change the follwing bean tags

bean id="systemproperty"

"entry key="http.proxyHost" value="www.proxy.url""
"entry key="http.proxyPort" value="8080""
"entry key="http.proxyUser" value="""
"entry key="http.proxyPassword" value="""

(Sorry for unformatted XML, as it might not appaer in it's original form)


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